Still, confused, how often should you blog post for better SEO Results?

The short answer is… it depends! Because blogging is a constant process it takes time and consistency to achieve blogging goals. However, many bloggers won’t get the expected result because they’re not consistent.

They often post on blogs e.g.; sometimes post daily, sometimes monthly, or sometimes 1-2 months later. That’s why they won’t get better SEO results.

In this article, you will know exactly when you should post articles on your blog that are suitable for better SEO results.

Let’s get started!

How Often Should You Blog in 2025?

Well, it depends on the type of blog you’re running. But 1-2 times a week work best for your blogging growth.

If you’re blogging on a regular basis with quality content 1-2 or even just one blog post per week, that’s perfect. Even, many experts will agree with that blogging frequency.

Let’s see the blog frequency you should follow!

  1. Less than Monthly 
  2. Monthly
  3. Weekly
  4. 2-3 Times Weekly
  5. Daily
  6. Multiple times a day

Let’s see, what blog frequency works best for you? 

1. Less than Monthly: 

It’s not a good idea to blog less than monthly. But, If you’re blogging with no purpose to grow then it’s okay to blog less than monthly. 

In most cases, these kinds of frequencies are noticed in hobby bloggers.  And for the longer purpose, you have to update your blog each month, it’s worth the SEO. 

2. Monthly:

Monthly blogging is not bad at all. Monthly blog frequency might suit those bloggers who are blogging plus being involved in other professions. 

There are many bloggers who are following this kind of frequency because of other things in life. But this blog frequency will keep search engines updated, and establish authority in your niche as well.

Example: Brian Dean from Backlinko​ posts 1 blog post per month. He produces extremely high-quality (10000 to 15000 words) mega-blog posts ​every month. ​

As a result, according to SEMrush, Backlinko generates ​nearly 919000 visitors a month globally, with 245,000 alone in the United States.  

Personally, I consume a lot of content from Brian Dean. He creates quality content because of that his dedicated fans look forward to each post.

So, if you want to blog monthly, then focus on the quality so your readers come back to you to consume great content

3. Weekly:

Weekly blogging is popular among other blog frequencies. Because it gives you a space to do many other things for blogging. When you give yourself a week to produce each article, you can do lots of things to make your work shine. 

Basically, many bloggers use 1 post per week in order to keep their blogs updated with fresh content. And your readers will look forward to your great content. 

Example: Ahrefs is the perfect example of a weekly blogging example. They produce ​long-form ​3-5000 word articles by providing screenshots, charts, etc. 

According to Semrush, Ahrefs generates ​nearly 1.4 million visitors a month globally, with 296K alone in the United States.  

They gain a huge amount of traffic and leads because of problem-solving content. Now, obviously, they have a good team to work with but if you’re a single blog owner you can do it yourself.

For me, it’s my favorite blog frequency that I follow. To be honest with you it works best for me as a single blog owner.

4. 2-3 Times Weekly:

If this frequency works for you, then well, but make sure you maintain quality over quantity. Because your content will define who you are and what your blog is about…

Let’s have a look at the example;

Examples: The Creative Penn by Joanna Penn, is published 3 times a week with great regularity. That’s why she is able to build a strong community around her blog because of the endless stream of content. 

Heck! Here is the thing that will shock you…

According to Semrush, The Creative Penn generates ​19400 visitors a month globally, with 9500 alone in the United States. 

This is not good blog traffic I think as compared to Ahrefs. Ahrefs has published 1 quality content each week and The Creative Penn is 2/3 posts per week without measuring the quality. 

Quality always beats quantity…

So if you think, you can handle this blog frequency then go for it but make sure you have quality content. But for me, it does not work well, because I’ve to maintain other blogging tasks as well.

5. Daily:

Lots of you often try to post an article daily just because gets more traffic. That’s not true at all! If your readers do not like your writing, you won’t get things from the readers you want. 

If you’re starting a blog without having a team I don’t recommend daily blogging. Because you can’t maintain the quality when you post daily on your blog.

But daily blogging has huge benefits as well, only if you can do it on a regular basis. 

Let’s see the example: 

Examples: Neil Patel, for years, produced one helpful article every day. The article’s length is between 2,000 to 3,000 words. 

I must say all these articles are of good quality. Even I’m a big fan of Neil Patel and consume lots of content. 

Actually, he posts helpful articles on a daily basis like clockwork that’s how he builds a powerful network among bloggers & marketers to expand his work. 

As a result, according to SEMrush, Neil Patel generates ​nearly 7.7 million visitors a month globally, with 842,000 alone in the United States.  

So, if you want to blog daily, then focus on quality along with quantity.  

Many bloggers choose to post daily during the early months of their blogging journey but they won’t go further.

Obviously, it helps you get traction with readers quickly, but it’s hard for the single blog owner.

Overall, Daily blogging works best if your content comes of good quality. For that, you need a team to manage other tasks as Neil Patel does.

6. Multiple times a day:

This type of blog publishing frequency is suited to blogs that have a huge team and focus on quality + and quality.

It’s literally hard for a single blog owner, so without having a team not go for it. Because you can not maintain quality over quantity.

Let’s have a look at the example; 

Example: Hubspot blog has grown a large and dedicated following by posting 5 to 10 items a day.

Last year HubSpot’s annual revenue was about $883 million. ​Of course, they’ve got their own content marketing automation ​platform and also have 3,387 people working for the team. 

They’re ​heavily invested in content marketing, it’s what they do. Even, though they publish about ​​200-250 articles a ​month, which is tremendous.

But the content quality is not like Backlinko or Neil Patel, but they have gone through the 1500- 2500 range of articles. 

In 2021, According to Semrush, Hubspot generates ​nearly 14.9 million visitors a month globally, with 4.7 million alone in the United States.  

That huge amount of traffic leads to ultimate success. Now, obviously, you can’t do it with a small team while you need huge resources. 


If you’re a solopreneur running your blog by yourself then 1 to 4 definitive blog posts ​per month with promotion & backlinks is worth it.

On the other hand, if you have a content team then 10 to 100 blog posts ​per month with promotions & backlinks will work.  

So, pick one of these publishing schedules that work best for you. Note: Posting more frequently will grow your readership quickly. 

Want to know, What blog frequency I follow…

Keep reading… 

So How many Blog Posts Per Week or Month do I Post Then?

I’ve already mentioned the 4 blog posting models that are based on the blogging purpose. Each of them works in its own way.

But in my case, I’m actually posting 4-5 blog posts per month, which means 1 post each week. And we update our blog with a new post each Monday.

This is the blog frequency I use, but anything longer than that is literally hard to manage for me. As you know if you’re a one-man army, it’s a bit hard to manage all the stuff at the same time blog writing.

But when you publish 4 blog posts per month, you can easily manage your other tasks and personal life. 

But, I feel comfortable with 4 blog posts per month and it gives me more space to do other things. And I know many of you might be comfortable with other blog frequencies… Let me know in the comment, how many blog posts you do per week.

6 Things to Consider (How Often Should You Blog)

Blogging growth depends on the value you provide to your readers. Most new bloggers are confused about how often they should post on their blogs.

To clear things out, here are 5 things to consider before the content plan:

1. Your Blog Niche

Your blog niche will determine how often you should post an article on your blog. Because your niche will state how much content you need to cover the topics.
Let’s say, your niche is small and specific.

Obviously, you need less content to fulfill your goal rather than broad niches. So, determine your blog niche before making a content plan.

2. Spy your Competitors

When you’re in the field, make sure you are conscious of what other players are doing. You can’t play right away if you aren’t following those who are already successful in your field.

So spy on your competitor, and figure out what content strategies they are following. Once you understand their flows, create your own strategies to outrank your competitors.

3. Quality over Quantity

Quality over Quantity is essential to success in blogging. But very few people who understand the game succeed in the end.

Let’s say you’re one man but you want to post daily on your blog in order to succeed in blogging. Hopefully, you won’t succeed that way because you can’t produce quality content daily.

Because quality content is not only SEO friendly but it values your readers. But most new bloggers make a mistake, they just produce a copy or thin content that won’t bring value to the readers.

As a result, they get no blog traffic, no success, and quit blogging.

4. Create Content with Purpose

Why are you creating content? Maybe, bring more sales, and leads, or get people to trust you so on. Whatever the reason might be, make sure your content has a proper plan to get the purpose done.

Posting an article won’t make you successful at all, there are a lot more things behind the scenes. You have to market your content to grab the right audience for your purpose.

For example, share it with other platforms like social media, link building, SEO so on. Only then you will get your audience, not just increase blog posts.

5. Low Competition Keyword

Many of you are blogging randomly which is a totally bad idea. That’s why you never get traffic without getting targeted with the right keywords.

Before you hunt your target make sure the process is easy and excellent. So, find the low-competition keyword so that you can get things done more smoothly.

Prepare at least 100 keywords so that you can write blog posts hassle-free. When you have a bounce of content ideas, it might help you to understand which article you should post next.

On the other hand, without having keywords in your hand, you’re in the middle of the ocean. In these cases, you start producing articles without purpose which will never bring success.

Note: Don’t jump from one topic to another like a monkey. stick with one, it helps you rank fast and build authority.

6. Your Blogging Goals

What are your blogging plans or goals? Why are you blogging? Well pretty much the same for everyone is making money or more sales, and so on.

In order to make money or sales, you need a proper blog plan or goals. Your blogging goals might be weekly, monthly, or yearly. And your goals mean where you want to go or what you want to achieve at a particular time later.

For example, you want to publish 60 articles in a year. Next, you have to figure out how many articles you should post in a week or month.

This is the way you should create a content plan according to your blogging goals. That’s important!

In the end, I must say that the above 6 terms might help you to understand how often you should blog or how many posts per week…

Why Should You Avoid Daily Blogging?

Daily Blogging is worth it in many ways for a larger company, also it’s hard for a single blog owner.

But, how often you should blog totally depends on whether you use blogging for fun or to make money.

Let’s see, Why would I avoid daily blogging?

Actually, It’s hard to produce quality content when you’re a single blog owner. Because Quality content always builds trust that beats quantity. 

So, in order to produce high-quality and engaging content, you need a minimum of 2 days or more to do research and write. 

In my case, I’ve tried many blog posting models but I come across 1 blog post per week and it works pretty well for me. 

Because I’ve got more space to learn new things and improve my skills. Even with 1 blog post per week, you can build consistency that literally improves your blog authenticity.  

Risks to Daily Blog Posting 

If you’re blogging daily, you literally run the risk of burning yourself out. Daily blog writing is one kind of a chore and a heavy task that’s hard to maintain every day. 

And it becomes one kind of pressure on your personal and family life, that you won’t be able to keep up with.

Even though your blog topic and writing quality go down as a result your readers leave in droves. 

You might think daily blog posting means a lot of content that engages tons of readers, but you’re simply wrong. Because people always want quality content that solves their issues.

NOTE:  I only recommend daily blogging if you have a good team or have a long purpose. 

Anyway, if you blog one or two posts per week that simply won’t hurt you. But anything longer than that definitely hurts your quality which simply has no benefits at all. 

So focus on quality content over quantity even if it takes weeks or months. Because it benefits in the long term. Think about it once again before you pick any content models that you can maintain quality and consistency.  

FAQ: How Often Should You Blog?

How Many Times a Week Should I Blog Post?

Actually, I update Passive Blogger each week with 1 new blog post. I’ve tried other frequencies as well, but don’t work for me.

It seems hard for me because I’m not able to learn new things or not able to promote my blog promotion as well. Actually in blogging quantity doesn’t work but quality does.

So, If you want to learn blogging, SEO, and Affiliate Marketing, then back each Monday at 7.00 pm.

How Often Should You Blog for Business?

It depends on what type of business you run. For example, If you run a content marketing business like Hubspot or Ahrefs, then build a team with a plan, and follow which works best for your business.

But for big or medium businesses, there is no limit or count of the article you should post on your blog.

How Often Should You Blog for Optimum SEO Results?

In order to get optimum SEO results the most important thing is consistent + quality content. Both things matter. So focus on both things at the same time blog promotion. Hopefully, you see the SEO results in a few weeks.

How Often Should You Blog to Help Rank Your Website?

There is no such blog frequency that helps your website rank. Ranking on the search depends on the right keyword with quality content. As you have seen on Backlinko, Brian Dean posts one article with quality plus promotion.

On the other hand, in The Creative Penn by Joanna Penn, she published 2-3 pieces of content each week but the results are not as good as Backlinko.

Also, the Search engine takes some time to understand the blog post for rank. It’s not magic that you post today and it ranks within a few hours. keep in mind all of that.

Wrap it Up

No matter how often you post, only you achieve your goals while the blog post ranks on search engines. Ranking on the search is the main goal over how many posts you publish.

If you are a one-man ARMY, I’d say following this blog frequency for 1-2 posts per week can work better in most cases, which means 8-10 per month.

Normally, 1-2 posts per week are often hard if you write 2500-5000 words articles, in that case, you consider writing 1 post per week, that’s better.

On the other hand, if you have a team, it also depends on how many blog posts they’re able to produce but ensures quality over quantity.

Hope you find this blog post helpful.

Let me know how often should you blog…

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