Growing lifestyle blog traffic is a dream of all lifestyle bloggers and making money. We all know at the end of the day Traffic is the livelihood of any blog. 

If no one is reading, it’s not a blog; it’s a diary. Obviously, you won’t have legions of adoring fans in the beginning, but at some point, you start staring at your stats page and wondering what you’re doing wrong. (Believe me, I’ve been there!)

Once you’ve set up your lifestyle blog, you’re learning about all the things you can do on the platform you’ve chosen, and you’re writing posts. But how do you get people to see the awesomeness you’ve created? 

Don’t worry! Here are 10 easy tips to grow and attract more readers to your lifestyle blog.

Let’s drive in!

10 Tips to Grow Your Lifestyle Blog Traffic (FREE Guide)

1. Choose Your Blog Niche Wisely.

2025" rel="noreferrer noopener">Choosing the right blog niche will help you keep that audience in mind. There are tons of blogs around, recipe blogs, photo blogs, mommy blogs, and just about any other type you can imagine. 

For Example; If someone is looking for a health blog, will they want to read a review of a shoe store? Probably not. That’s why the niche is important to clarify what is your blog all about. 

Here are a few tips for choosing a lifestyle niche:

 1. Pick a Topic You Enjoy 

When You select a lifestyle blog niche make sure you pick the topic you like to learn and talk about. If you don’t enjoy the blog topic, surely within a few days you lose interest in it and quit blogging. 

Your blog topic could be about a hobby, jobs or it could even be about your daily work. The real benefit of writing a topic you enjoy leads you the extra mile to go.

You don’t have to be an expert on the topic you pick, just make sure that you are excited when talking about it. All you need to write down a couple of blog post ideas that you can write about. 

Once you’ve done this, this exercise will help you to move forward if you are passionate about the topic. So, interest first other things later. 

2. Do Market research

If you write a blog where nobody is interested in your work, in the end, it has no value at all. Your passion or interest is not all about getting your blog to succeed.

If you want to blog for profit you must do market research. It helps you to understand the key value of blogging. 

With the process, you will understand who your ideal audience is who is interested in buying your product. 

In order to do that properly, you can use tools like SEMrush, which I’m currently using to do all market research. 

Semrush is an all-in-one tool that you can use to do market & keyword research more accurately. Try Semrush for free (7 days for free). 

3. Pick a smaller blog niche.

I always recommend my readers never ever jump into the border niche, while it’s already dominating the market by someone.

A smaller niche is greater! Once you have done your market research, the next step is to do keyword research and figure out how to grab your audience fast.

I recommend, making a list of some of the low competitive and long tail keywords around the topic you’ve already selected. 

By using tools like Semrush, you can easily find plenty of low-competition keywords to target through your blog posts.     

4. Make sure it’s profitable.

If you blog for fun, you don’t need to follow up on the process above. You can do whatever you want to do with your blog.

But your end blogging purpose is to make money, so you must keep this factor in your mind. Make sure your lifestyle niche is profitable enough to monetize your blog and earn a good income. 

All lifestyle bloggers do the same they blog for profit in the end. Whether your blog is profitable or not you can easily measure it by using Semrush.

So pick a profitable specific niche so that in the end you can monetize your lifestyle blog and make a good income. 

2. Write Great Content. 

This is the number one rule of blogging, yet it seems to be the easiest to forget. Ask yourself what someone will gain from reading your posts. 

That could be anything from learning something new to laughing at a funny story or photo, but there definitely needs to be some kind of value for readers.

So how do you provide value to your readers? `Well, the straight answer is to provide great content that your readers actually want.

Here are a few tips for Write Great Content:

  • Do Keyword Research: Before You write anything you must do keyword research following your niche. After that, you have to gain knowledge on the topic you’re writing about that’s it. 
  • Keep Audience in Mind: Keep the audience at the top and write for them. Because In the end, they are the real one you works for. 
  • Grab Reader’s Attention: Hook your audience first, and write the content with a tone to grab attention. It’s quite like you’re talking to your audience directly. 
  • Optimize Blog Post: It’s vital to optimize your post for search and the device your audience intends to use. Make it easy and comfortable so your audience likes to stay on your blog. 
  • Check Readability: Write your content as simply as possible. Avoid using complex sentences that your readers feel hard to understand what you talking about.

However, great content is the overall thing you need to make your blog succeed. If your audience is not comfortable with your content you’re in trouble. 

Don’t make this Awful blogging mistake, avoid it and improve yourself daily. You can also use writing tools to optimize your writing works to produce great content. 

3. Optimize Your Blog for SEO

Blog SEO is essential to get organic blog traffic from search engines like Google.  Blog SEO is the process of optimizing techniques to increase your blog’s visibility in search. 

Here are a few tips to optimize your Blog For SEO:

  • Use an Effective Blog Post Title: Writing amazing blog titles gets you more blog traffic. For better headlines you can check CoSchedule Headline Analyzer, it’s a freemium blogging tool but worth for money. In order to write effective titles use numbers, statistics, etc.
  • On Page SEO: If you’re using WordPress for your blog, you can use the Yoast plugin for On-page SEO. If you’re a beginner, these tools give you automatic instructions to optimize your blog.
  • Internal linking: An Internal link means connecting other posts and pages on your blog. When you add any link from one post to another, it allows both your users and search engines to use the links to find relevant content on your blog. 
  • Write Readable Content: If your content is not easy for your audience to read and understand, it’s worthless your efforts. Writing simple sentences and easy words hooks your audience to continue reading. 
  • Mobile Friendly: Having a mobile-friendly blog will satisfy your audience who visit via mobile. So, use a mobile friendly blog theme, easy writing front, add eye catching images, and fast loading. 

In a nutshell, blog SEO allows search engines to understand your blog posts so that they can deliver relevant users to your blog. 

Anyway! If you want to learn more about blog SEO optimization, Check my blog SEO guide: 15 Ways to Optimize Blog Posts for SEO.

4. Optimize Your Blog for Pinterest

Don’t rely on just one source of traffic like Google. You always keep leveraging your blog with multiple sources of traffic. 

It is because if search engines update their algorithm your blog might get hurt either positively or negatively. If your blog is negatively impacted by any Google update, you will lose everything you have. 

So, I highly recommend trying Pinterest, While it’s a big traffic hub for bloggers or anyone. Most bloggers leverage their blog traffic with Pinterest, especially since it’s great for lifestyle bloggers. 

However, Pinterest is a genuinely greater traffic source for new bloggers and beyond. 

So What is Pinterest? 

In one word, Pinterest is a visual Search engine. Basically, it is an image-sharing platform that is designed for the discovery of information on the internet by using images. 

Pinterest is more than a social media platform where people can find inspiration and ideas for their interests and hobbies. 

However, if you want to grow your lifestyle blog traffic, you have to optimize your blog post using pinnable images.

Because on Pinterest every blog post or product is represented by a Pin, which is an image that is searched and saved by Pinterest users. 

How do you get traffic from Pinterest?

Pinterest allows you to add your blog post (link) with pinnable images. When your pins rank or people see your pins they click through the images and link back to your websites. This is how Pinterest works and drives traffic or sales for you. 

Here are a few tips to drive blog traffic from Pinterest

1. Publish at the best time:

Use a good Pinterest scheduler to post your pins at the best times. A scheduler’s tools will analyze your pins and recommend the best times when your pins should be published.

Try Tailwind, I think it is the best Pinterest scheduler tool, especially for Pinterest. Honestly, it can be a life savior, try Tailwind for free if you’d like to.  

2. Create Creative Pinnable Images:

Keep in mind, that Pinterest is all about images. If you can’t create better-looking images your time and effort will be ruined.

If you want to create kick start image, use Canva, it is the best design tool available today. And  I’ve been using it for the last 3 years.

With this tool, you can create unique images within a few minutes. Try Canva Pro (free for 30 days).

3. Optimize Your Pin Descriptions for SEO:

Pinterest isn’t a social network anymore, it is a search engine. If you want to get ranked your pin on the network you have to optimize your pin the same way optimize your content for search engines.

For example; Keyword research, a relevant image about the keyword, and writing SEO descriptions for the pins. That’s it! 

4. Use Group Boards:

Join a Group board in your niche. It is the most popular way many people use to drive Pinterest traffic.

When you post your pins on a group other board members will see your pins and repin them. If not sure how to find relevant group boards, try PinGroupe, it easily allows you to find the right one.

5. Grow your following:

It is essential to growing Pinterest traffic. When you get more followers, it gives a positive signal to the Pinterest algorithm.

So, make an effort to grow your following by promoting your account and increasing your pinning frequency. 

These are the techniques you can use to drive more organic traffic from Pinterest. If you really want to succeed on Pinterest, make sure you are regular and spend some time learning how the platform works.

5. Use Social Media. 

It doesn’t matter what kind of business you run, whether it’s a niche blog or a lifestyle business – with the help of social media you can grow your business to the next level.  

You can’t even imagine how powerful social media marketing can be. In today’s fast-paced world, it is the easiest way to reach out to your target audience.

Of course, it’s a great source of free traffic to your existing content and gains productive results. Ideally, social media platforms can be used as a marketing tool in almost every business. 

If you would like to take your business down the high road, then you should certainly take its help as well. A blogger can benefit as well from the power of social media marketing in different ways. 

There are a couple of social media for bloggers, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and more. Personally, I use Facebook and Twitter for blog marketing, and these two work great for me. 

However, If you don’t have a Twitter account or Facebook fan page for your blog, you’re missing out on gaining new readers. (Speaking of that, go follow me on Twitter or become a Facebook fan!) 

Let’s talk about these…

  • Facebook: It provides various tools to grow your business, you can even create a fan page or group. Creating Facebook groups helps you to connect with your real audience, and interact with them directly. 
  • Twitter: It seems to be a little faster – follow other bloggers and people you’re interested in, then start some conversations! 

Note: Don’t be afraid to talk to people; the more people you know, the more you can promote them (and vice versa).

So how do You get Traffic from Social media;

  • Step 1: Create a fan page for your lifestyle blog. For that, you can use any of the social media you like. 
  • Step 2. Be Consistent! You have to be consistent and post regularly on your social handle to engage with your audience.
  • Step 3. Talk to Your audience, help them, and provide value for what they actually looking for.

However, I’ve seen many bloggers make this mistake, they just pick too many social platforms but they do not post regularly. I highly recommend you pick one or two but must be regular, trust me you will get results.   

6. Answer on Quora (Q&A Platforms)

Quora is a Question-and-answer or Q&A site on the web right now where users come to post their questions and have them answered by the community.

In 2022 over 300 Million people are using Quora which helps to drive a hell lot of traffic to your lifestyle blog. All you need to find the questions relevant to your niche and answer them wisely. 

Your Quora traffic depends on how well written the answer is and how naturally you link to your blog.

How do you get blog traffic from Quora? 

All You have to master at Quora writing. Here are a few tips for better writing tips on Quora and getting traffic to your blog. 

1. Understand the Question First

Reading the question wisely to understand what the question is about. Just think from the question takers’ points of view which helps you to answer better.

Avoid writing irrelevant answers. Make it simple and easy to understand. Of course, you shouldn’t write all the topics, follow up on specific topics that help you to build up your authority on your Quora profile. 

Always try to write something which is limited to your Knowledge.

2. Write a Long & Detailed Answer

Writing long form answers doesn’t mean writing something irrelevant that doesn’t connect to the answers.

Make sure, on average answer should be 500 words or more, but it depends on the questions. Try to explain your answer briefly and accurately.

Because as of 2022 Quora has 300 million active users. Out of 300 million, at least 1500 users can up-vote if they found your answer helpful and interesting.

If you explain more briefly, People won’t think badly of Upvoting it.

Briefly, an explanation is what people love.

3. Readability

Let’s take an example If you wrote a lengthy answer in the form of a lengthy paragraph who would love to read your answer?

No one has time to read a lengthy paragraph like 150 words in a single paragraph. It looks pathetic and ugly.

If your content doesn’t do what the user wants to read then they don’t want to spend time reading it. So, make it simple and easy-to-read paragraphs that actually look interesting to read.

4. Use Image 

Image is the Key! Today’s people tend to be attracted to visual things rather than boring text. Always use eye-catching images to keep the reader focused on your answer.

An image speaks more than words, some sort of questions can be explained within an Image. You don’t even have to write a single word on it.

So, Add a relevant image to the answer you’re writing it keeps the readers interested and makes them hype to read more.

5. Check Grammar before Posting

Let’s say, you come up with a couple of Answer ideas with a lot of grammar mistakes, It won’t be useful for others. 

Most probably they will Downvote your answer and you’ll lose your authority in that Niche too.

So try to answer the question error-free. You can use grammar checker tools like Grammarly to correct grammar mistakes. 

However, these Quore writing tips might help you write better content and get traffic to your blog. 

Note: You will get better blog traffic to your blog only if you hook them with your writing. (You can also follow me on Quora, where I often answer questions!)

7. Get to Know other Bloggers. 

This relates to finding your niche. Once you’ve decided what type of blog you’ll write, search for other blogs about the same topic.

Read their posts, link to them, and reach out via email. You’ll make friends who know what you’re going through and can offer advice.

Here are a few tips to connect with other bloggers to grow your blog traffic: 

1. Link to Them: All the resources aren’t available on your blog at the beginning so link their blog and tell them via email or social media mentioned. It helps you to notify them and get noticed.

2. Share their content: Sharing the content of other bloggers on social media is the easiest way to connect with them. When you share their content, user mention going to notify them directly which open a chance to communicate with them.

3. Write Guest Post: when you pitch someone for guest posting, it opens a win-win situation to connect with them. But connecting via social media gets you to go the extra mile. 

4. Comment on their Blog: Commenting on other blogs not only gives you traffic but you communicate with them internally. 

Above all this method personally I use to build up relationships with other bloggers. But social media is a great way to communicate and build long term relationships. 

For these mostly I use Twitter and Facebook, you can also connect with me, one t@fdshakil and F@fdshakil, I’d be happy to communicate with you. 

8. Comment on other blogs. 

Blog commenting is still worth it if you do it correctly, also it can offer many benefits. First, leaving authentic comments on other blogs helps you build good relationships with people working in the same niche as you. 

On top of that, it can help you get backlinks and traffic to your site. In other words, blog comments have powerful networking, SEO, and traffic benefits. 

It makes your blog stable and you gain more authenticity. Your comments will be noticed and remain on other blogs and their readers will redirect to your page which increases readership. 

However, It is one of the easiest ways to gain blog traffic is by commenting on other blogs in your niche. All you need to set up a Gravatar that is hooked to your blog email address. 

When you comment, comment as your blog name or Your Name. (For example, I use Fd Shakil @fdshakil when I comment on other blogs.) People will see that and click through to check it out.

Keep in mind, when you make a blog comment on others’ blogs, make sure it’s relevant to your blog niche. Write a great insight about the post so you get approved on their blog. That’s it!

9. Ask for a guest post

Guest posting is still the best way to grow blog traffic. If you find a bigger and more authoritative blog in your niche, email the owner to ask about guest posting. 

Make sure you check for a policy first and be sure to follow the guidelines if there are any. Be honest – let them know you are a new blogger and you’re hoping to gain some exposure. 

If they agree to accept a post, write something AMAZING, geared to that audience, and free of typos or errors. Also, keep in mind that you need to respond to any comments on your guest post over at the hosting blog. 

How Guest Posts Grow Your Lifestyle Blog Traffic: 

  • Targeted Audience: When You make a guest post on an established blog, you have a targeted audience in your niche. It will not only help you establish an online presence but persuade your audience to know more about you. 
  • Quality Traffic: Guest posting helps you get quality and relevant traffic to your blog instead of random traffic. This kind of blog traffic is more converting than social traffic.
  • Outbound Link: Getting links from established blogs can boost your authority in your niche. By Guest posting, you are allowed to submit a bio and social media profile that can boost your search rankings and drive referral traffic. 
  • Social Media Growth: Guest posts allow you to add your social media link to the bio. If a reader likes your guest post, they are more likely to follow you on Social media. The following will improve your visibility and online presence while at the same time driving traffic to your blog.  
  • Networking: Besides sharing and promotion, Guest posts also lead to great networking opportunities. With the process, you can also find blog owners, in the long run, they will share your content on their social handles. 

These are some of the reasons you should do guest posting to grow your lifestyle blog. 

Honestly, it’s kind of a lengthy process but it’s worth it for long term blog traffic. I really like guest posting and I try to make one or two guest posts each month. 

I know that the effort is worth it and its benefits to boost organic search rankings and drive referral traffic in the long term basis. So try it if you plan for long term blogging business.

10. Don’t Forget About the Content!

Once again, don’t forget about the content! While you’re busy doing all this stuff to attract new readers, don’t neglect the ones you already have. 

Make sure you’re still writing awesome posts on a fairly consistent schedule – that also gives new visitors a reason to subscribe or come back. 

It can be time-consuming (and even exhausting) to keep up with everything, but your blog will benefit from your efforts. 

Also, do interlink to your existing post that might help you to rank better on the search and also grow traffic. 

That’s all along the way you can grow your lifestyle blog traffic from day 1. Note: Don’t overwhelm yourself with all the methods I’ve shared, follow a few of them one by one. That’s it!

Over to You

Before you start promoting your blog make sure you write at least 15 pieces of content for the blog with one topic (niche).  

No Matter what type of blog niche you pick, writing relevant topics gives you to go the extra mile and gain authority. 

Never target high volume (difficult) keywords just for dreaming of high blog traffic, honestly it won’t work that way. Try easy and long tail keywords so that you get noticed on the Search engines like Google. 

I hope you like and find this article helpful!

Have you tried these strategies for increasing your readership? Have any tips to add for others who may see this post? 

Let me know what you think! I’d love to get some feedback on your attempts to grow your lifestyle blog traffic.

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