[aio_email send="contact@aioshortcodes.com" text="contact me"]
In this knowledge base guide, we will learn how to utilise the power of email shortcode to integrate email contact link functionality seamlessly into your WordPress website.
With the AIO Shortcodes plugin, creating an email contact is simplified. Let’s explore!
Getting Started With Email Shortcode
This shortcode is a versatile tool that empowers you to write an email contact text with ease.
Thus, whether you need to create a link with an email contact or provide a convenient way for users to contact you, this shortcode has you covered.
Using Shortcode For Email Contact Link
To get started, ensure that you have the AIO Shortcodes plugin installed and activated on your WordPress website.
Then, incorporate our email shortcode in various sections of your content, such as post/page titles, headings, lists, paragraphs, sidebars, widgets, and more.
Basic Usage Of Email Shortcode:
The basic structure of the shortcode is as follows:
- Input: [aio_email send="contact@aioshortcodes.com" output="contact me"]
- Output: contact me
By inserting this shortcode, you can create an in-line text contact link for visitors to get in touch.
Customizing The Output:
The ‘output’ attribute allows you to customize the text displayed for the contact form. For instance:
- Input: [aio_email send="contact@aioshortcodes.com" output="get in touch"]
- Output: get in touch
Adding the shortcode to your content will then generate a contact link with an email with the specified text.
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
Follow up the quotations below with answers that are asked by real users about the email shortcode.
How do I use the email shortcode in my WordPress content?
Simply insert the shortcode using the following format: [aio_email send="contact@aioshortcodes.com" output="contact me"]. Customize the ‘send‘ attribute with the desired email address and ‘output‘ with the desired text.
Is it possible to send emails to multiple recipients?
No! At this moment, AIO Shortcodes doesn’t support multiple email contact links using email shortcode.