In this knowledge base tutorial, we will guide you through the usage of the first day of the year shortcode.
Let’s embark on this exciting journey of simplifying the display of the first day name of the year with the AIO Shortcodes plugin.
Getting Started With First Day of Year Shortcode
To utilize the [aio_first_day_year] shortcode, ensure that you have installed and activated the AIO Shortcodes plugin on your WordPress website.
This shortcode can be used anywhere within your WordPress content, including post/page titles, headings, lists, paragraphs, sidebars, widgets, menu items, and more.
Displaying The First Day Name of The Year
Once you have the AIO Shortcodes plugin installed and activated, using the [aio_first_day_year] shortcode to display the name of the first day or the new year day of the current year is a breeze.
Let’s delve into its full potential with straightforward examples and enhance your user experience.
Basic Usage of [aio_first_day_year]
The day name of the year shortcode basic structure is like:
- Input: [aio_first_day_year]
- Output: Wednesday (name of the first day of the current year)
Let’s explore its full potential through practical examples that will elevate your user experience.
Utilizing the ‘go’ Attribute:
Employ the ‘go‘ attribute to calculate future or past years’ first day names. The format is [aio_first_day_year go="x"], with ‘x‘ indicating the desired time difference.
- Input: [aio_first_day_year go="2"]
- Output: Friday (current year + 2 first day name)
- Input: [aio_first_day_year go="-1"]
- Output: Friday (current year – 4 first day name)
Leveraging ‘format’ Attribute:
The ‘format‘ attribute lets you customize the display format of the first day name in different formats.
- Input: [aio_first_day_year format="short"]
- Output: Wed (first day name of the year in short format)
Combined Attributes:
Use the combinations of multiple attributes with shortcodes to achieve precise outcomes.
- Input: [aio_first_day_year go="3" format="short"]
- Output: Sat (current year +3 first day name in short)
- Input: [aio_first_day_year go="-6" format="short"]
- Output: Tue (current year – 6 first day name in short)
Feel free to experiment with these attribute combinations to display the name of the first day of the current year, as well as future or past years using the attribute, ‘go‘ along with ‘format‘ to display the name in short format.
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
This section contains some common queries about the first day of the year shortcode to help you make the most of this shortcode.
How do I insert the first day of the year shortcode into my WordPress content?
Yes, you can easily insert the first day of the year shortcode into your WordPress content by using the following shortcode format: [aio_first_day_year].
Can I customize the appearance of the first day of the year display using attributes?
No, the first day of the year shortcode does not currently support attributes for customizing its appearance. However, you can use the attribute ‘go‘ to calculate the first day names for future and past years.